THE SPECIAL DELIVERY STORY One of the innovation brought about with the coming of the American Administration was the use of the special Delivery Stamps The purpose of the stamps in general terms when affixed to a letter is to insure speedy delivery by special messenger.
The first Special Delivery stamps used was the United States Stamps issued in 1895.SCOTT E5,
perforation 12 and watermarked USPS double line, overprinted PHILIPPINES in RED. Special Delivery service was instituted in the UNITED STATEs by the ACT of CONGRESS of March 03,1835, Special Delivery Service in Spain started in 1905
Special Delivery Ten centavos (10.cents)
Special Delivery Twenty centavos (20 cents)
This stamps was in used until 1906, when a new design was adopted and issued. A record unsurpassed by any other stamps of the Philippines and with slight changes ,in perforation and watermark, this Special Delivery was in use until December 22 ,1947
when a new design was adopted and issued. A record unsurpassed by any other stamps of the Philippines.
But even with such modes changes, its life has been far from un-evenful ,
it is far more replete of adventure than its brothers of the 1906 vintage which after 1935 were changed for a pictorial set, while the Special Delivery continued to exist unmindful of the changes
brought about by different political administration. And because of its longevity, it has seen more historic
And been part of it than any other stamp of the Philippines.